
Antihero is basically both....can be a good guy or bad! He wont mind to kill if needed to! But will also save the day & fight for what's right
Venom & deadpool are both antihero They don't mind to kill or fight anyone in the way! But will also do the right thing to save the day!
by Tristan V October 5, 2019
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A protagonist that lacks the characteristics that would make him a hero. Quite simply, antiheros rock. Most of them are social outcasts, who have no desire for foolish things such as 'friendship' or 'trust'. An antihero can be a jerk, or even have every characteristic of a villain, but because success wouldn't be possible without their help, they are still considered good guys. Due to the fact that antiheros are not stupid, they probably won't do anything helpful unless they are paid, or unless there is some fine huny connected with the plot. Antiheros are 97% better off than most people in the world, in the way that, they are good guys, but they're not stupid, and they actually give a damn about money.
Hero: Oh no! I seem to be suspended upside-down over boiling lava, while several incredibly hot, young, teenage girls are being held hostage!
Hot teenage girl: Somebody save me! I'm so hot, young, and defenseless!
Antihero: Never fear! the antihero is here!
Using hella sweet kung-fu, the antihero subdues all of the hostage takers, frees the hostages, briefly makes out with a hot, young, teenage girl, and then frees the hero (after stealing his wallet).
Hero: Thanks to you the day is saved!
Antihero: Yes, yes it is. I rock. Pay me. Now.
But, as the antihero waits to get paid, he hears the sirens of police cars. Knowing that he is wanted in three states for identity theft, and impersonating George W. Bush, he hops onto his motorcycle, and drives off into the sunset, only to return another day.
by thelegendaryfightman July 10, 2004
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Retired AntiHero

A person, usually involved with MMOORPG, that has said more than enough of his fair share of ridiculous comments, sold accounts, gave up, watched a partner die, possibly in some sort of crime drama situation, but is now back to defend himself, and his honor.
"I thought that guy quit playing MMOORPG's?"

"that's Retired AntiHero.... he never quits until justice is done."
by surface22 April 18, 2008
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An antihero (sometimes spelled as anti-hero) or antiheroine is a main character in a story who may lack some conventional heroic qualities and attributes, such as idealism, courage, and morality. Although antiheroes mostly perform actions that are morally correct, their reasons for doing so aren't always altruistic. Often acting out of selfish interest or a personal vendetta, such as vengeance. Although most of the time, their moral codes are sound enough to keep them from the label of villain.
The Punisher, Venom, Red Hood, Arsenal (Roy Harper), Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Catwoman (Selina Kyle), and Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) are textbook examples of an antihero.
by Dark Hood March 10, 2024
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hates all sweets, also has diabetes
antihero didn't like them sweets, ate brussel sprouts instead
by fabseboy June 9, 2023
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Antihero is basically a hero and villian when he wants to he's also is a lady's man(Not a glake, just respects girls not bitches) .He wont mind to be disrespectful,fight you,be ignorant,selfish,or just completely ignore you if needed to But will also protective,caring,and loyal .(If you mean alot to him he may or may not show these thing all the time even if he feels like being a villain.You will be able to tell if he cares)
" I Hate AntiHero(Hero)"

"That nigga AntiHero(Hero) Annoying"

"AntiHero(Hero) a Bitch"

"I Love AntiHero(Hero)"

"AntiHero(Hero) dont give a fuck"

"AntiHero(Hero) is so nice"

"AntiHero(Hero) is mean"
by Truth_Hurts00 November 21, 2023
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