2 definitions by Tristan V


Antihero is basically both....can be a good guy or bad! He wont mind to kill if needed to! But will also save the day & fight for what's right
Venom & deadpool are both antihero They don't mind to kill or fight anyone in the way! But will also do the right thing to save the day!
by Tristan V October 5, 2019
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Travieso is a word meaning "crazy boy" "wild boy" "trouble maker" "hard headed" same for a gir but said (traviesA) (class Clown) the one who pushes every button... bad kid
Man I baby sat my nephew last week he didn't sit down! Ran all over the place! Es un travieso!

So hell no I'm not taking him anywhere again
by Tristan V September 5, 2022
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