3 definitions by surface22
by surface22 December 3, 2007
Tarkard is a word that originated in Greensboro, NC in 1996. Although relatively undefinable on the surface, 22 meanings can be heard upon the usage from someone who is angry or annoyed. simply put, Tarkards don't know they are Tarkards, and if you don't know what Tarkard means when you hear it used, you too are probably a Tarkard.
Mick: "Man you suck! you are such a Tarkard!"
Josh: "I don't even know what that means...."
Mick: "wow, then you really are a Tarkard."
Josh: "I don't even know what that means...."
Mick: "wow, then you really are a Tarkard."
by surface22 November 16, 2009
A person, usually involved with MMOORPG, that has said more than enough of his fair share of ridiculous comments, sold accounts, gave up, watched a partner die, possibly in some sort of crime drama situation, but is now back to defend himself, and his honor.
"I thought that guy quit playing MMOORPG's?"
"that's Retired AntiHero.... he never quits until justice is done."
"that's Retired AntiHero.... he never quits until justice is done."
by surface22 April 18, 2008