4 definitions by Dark Hood
An antihero (sometimes spelled as anti-hero) or antiheroine is a main character in a story who may lack some conventional heroic qualities and attributes, such as idealism, courage, and morality. Although antiheroes mostly perform actions that are morally correct, their reasons for doing so aren't always altruistic. Often acting out of selfish interest or a personal vendetta, such as vengeance. Although most of the time, their moral codes are sound enough to keep them from the label of villain.
The Punisher, Venom, Red Hood, Arsenal (Roy Harper), Black Cat (Felicia Hardy), Catwoman (Selina Kyle), and Ghost Rider (Johnny Blaze) are textbook examples of an antihero.
by Dark Hood March 10, 2024
A toxic personality style characterized by excessive pride in one's own virtue, a lack of empathy for the moral struggles of others, self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and a holier-than-thou attitude. This is most common with those who claim to be part of the Christian faith, but just use it as an excuse to be mean, hateful, and judgemental. The best treatment for a personality like this is understanding, empathy and most importantly, prayer.
by Dark Hood March 1, 2024
A toxic personality style characterized by excessive pride in one's own virtue, a lack of empathy for the moral struggles of others, self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and a holier-than-thou attitude. People with this often make a show of being good rather than actually being good.
Corrupt church officials such as crooked pastors, elders, and deacons are the first people that come to mind when thinking of pharisaical personality syndrome.
Communal narcissists also exhibit this if they are in the church or claim to be Christian when they aren't.
Communal narcissists also exhibit this if they are in the church or claim to be Christian when they aren't.
by Dark Hood March 10, 2024
A toxic personality style characterized by excessive pride in one's own virtue, a lack of empathy for the moral struggles of others, self-righteousness, hypocrisy, and a holier-than-thou attitude.
by Dark Hood April 8, 2024