disapproval of social system, politics and lifestyle in the usa.
to criticize specific aspects of american politics or society isn't anti-americanism. if so, every us american politician would be anti-american... sounds logical, ehh?!
by marc l. December 9, 2003
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A major world religion that gained sudden popularity in mid-2002 in all countries apart from the USA, following the inspired actions of the largely misunderestimated President G W Bush, head of the 'Parents Against Scary Things' society. See also 'sanity'.
US Citizen - Why don't none you folks like us guys no more?

Anyone Else - We've realised that Christianity is a considerably less appealing religion than anti-americanism.
by The Prophet March 19, 2005
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Disagreeing with America's bullyboy tactics against the world. Not to mention its embarrassingly dim President.
Refusing to fight Iraq
by Bec December 14, 2003
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taking a stance against the american version of universal stupidity.
by not supporting the patriot act, one of the most unamerican policies ever, one engages in anti-americanism.
by alys March 6, 2004
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disapproval of social system, politics and lifestyle in the usa.
to criticize specific aspects of american politics or society isn't anti-americanism. if so, every politician would be anti-american... sounds logical, ehh?!
by marc l. December 9, 2003
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1) Real anti-Americans are those that hate the United States to the point where they are willing to perform acts of treason and/or terrorism. (To state the blatantly obvious, see Osama bin Laden. I hate myself)
2) Those who have been labeled anti-American for disagreeing with the policies of the government and the President. (At the risk of sounding partisan, Michael Moore. I think he really does love the U.S.)
1) Why did I have to pander and say bin Laden... why?
2) Just because you love America doesn't mean you can't be ashamed of it.
by Moses September 15, 2004
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