1. One who supports the concept of anarchy.

2. Obnoxious 12 year old whose primary reading material is totse.com, wears shitty scream metal t-shirts or hooded sweatshirts bearing the ever-so-rebellious "anarchy" symbol, and fantasizes about gunpowder and pipe bombs while masturbating. Usually very short-tempered, this being a direct result of their unbelievably cruel upbringing as a scrawny, middle-class white kid in the suburbs.
1. I believe in and support the concept of anarchy.

2. My parents make me take out the garbage, so I will rebel against their oppressive ways by skateboarding and carving my name into the walls of a bus-shack.
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Someone who speaks out against the monarchry of their own nation.
Cartwright was an anarchist as he spoke out against the 1559 religious settlement.
by bladewind987654322 April 24, 2009
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Someone who resists hierarchies.

Against rulers, but for rules.

Against imbalances of power, exploitation, and coercion.
Typically against Capitalism and the state
The Anarchist argued that Capitalism inherently offloaded costs onto externalities and thus inevitable led to environmental destruction and global warming.
by No_Ody March 30, 2019
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A person that believes in voluntary relationships and that concentrated power is unjust in most cases. They also believe that all systems with a hierarchy should be examined and dismantled if found unnecessary
You can usually find them running a soup kitchen or punching a nazi

Also, they make Stalin-loving tankies so angry that they need to write shit about them on urban dictionary
tankie: We should abolish capitalism and establish a strong socialist state
Anarchist: Both the state and capitalism is immoral and exploitive
tankie: *proceeds to lose their mind*
by NotATankie November 13, 2018
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a garbage song by yungblud (like everything), but also a person who believes in communal living, abolition of the state, antiracism, feminism, free love, antifascism, total human freedom, and socialist economics over a stateless society.
"god ashleigh is so helpful and caring for everybody."
"yeah, she's an anarchist."
by Lexiiiiii_ March 9, 2021
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a person who is free off the leash of the government.
A person who wishes to be on their own free will, not controlled by any democracy
"Being an anarchist is fun," ~ Me (Dirge)
by Dirge January 30, 2005
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A "SEPERATE" POLITICAL PARTY. ONE THAT DESPISES ALL KINDS OF GOVERNMENT. WE DON'T GO AND BLOW SHIT UP, WE MAY BREAK THINGS, BUT WE'RE NOT TERROSISTS SO TO SAY. WE BELIEVE THAT U CAN RUN YOUR OWN GOD-GIVEN LIFE. that u we shouldn't have rules that certain ppl r truly focused on. it's bullshit america's goin back to communism the anarchist shall thrive on this pulse tho we want equality for all even those that hate us... is that so wrong?
dumbass: omg look uncle sam chosed me to go fight for America^^ i'm so happy
anarchist: u dumbass... u may die, do you know that? going to war for some sutpid ass shit... while the pigs that selectively chose u relax, eat, and drink the good life. i wish u good luck.... my freind
by the dark prodigy January 2, 2008
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