The biggest part of the fun earthbound multiverse. It is a multiverse within an other multiverse since it contains many alternate realities with different worlds.
The undertale multiverse is so much big.
by Retardost December 13, 2021
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Outertale: Undertale but in space, duh.
Horrortale: Undertale as a horror story.
Mafiatale: Undertale as a cowboy story.
Glitchtale: Undertale as an anime story.
Underpants: Undertale as a fun sitcom.
Underfresh: Undertale for the hippies.
Fanfictales: Generic undertale worlds.
Batter's World: The setting of the game 'OFF' when the batter goes on a quest to purify the world. It was revealed to be a wacky test world created by W.D. gaster.
* Notes: Crossover worlds don't exist. *
There are many minor undertale worlds.
by Retardost December 13, 2021
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