Something white people made up because they felt personally attacked by BLM and they're not used to anything not including them as the good guy so they just couldn't be having that lmao
Uneducated Conservatives: Well, as you can see, the african american libtards are at it again with the white racism, this is why we must support All Lives Matter and support our president Donald J. Trump as he will save this country find a cure for liberalism!
by America Lover 🇺🇸 November 26, 2020
A racist hypocritical response to the Black Lives Matter campaign. At a cancer fundraiser, you don't go hold up a sign that says "There are other diseases too!". If a house was on fire, you don't take the firehouse and spray it on a stable house saying "All houses matter". That is literally what y'all are doing with this "All lives matter" bullshit.
by America Lover 🇺🇸 November 26, 2020
Something your grandma supports because she got her feelings hurt when she found out on Facebook that black people have a voice.
Little Jimmy: Hey, do you support BLM?
Grandma: No, fuck those Communist, Marxist, Racist assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tucker Carlson said that All Lives Matter!!!!!!!
Grandma: No, fuck those Communist, Marxist, Racist assholes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tucker Carlson said that All Lives Matter!!!!!!!
by America Lover 🇺🇸 November 26, 2020
What racists use to counter Black Lives Matter and silence POC voices.
Didn't even exist until after BLM did.
Didn't even exist until after BLM did.
The racist proclaimed, "all lives matter!"
by America Lover 🇺🇸 November 26, 2020
No, All Lives Matter-
Black Lives Matter because they are being oppressed way more than white lives.
No, All Lives Matter-
Black Lives Matter because they are being oppressed way more than white lives.
by FrootLoops25 April 21, 2021
by ainje July 21, 2015
A reminder to Black Lives Matter that other lives matter, not just blacks. Basically a reminder that equality isn’t saying the black race is superior.
“Black Lives Matter” “All Lives Matter”
by CohenMGE on YouTube January 26, 2021