A person who has a dick that a girl could settle down with.. but later rejects her because of her hairy pussy.
Damn, that guy is a total Alex, I'd never need another dick.

I heard he's an Alex, I better shave my bush.
by kendui69 July 25, 2011
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Alex is the biggest asshole you'll ever meet. You are what you eat. He gets turned on by food. Don't try & take his food because you might lose a finger. He plays football, & lowkey watches baseball too. Alex is the definition of "Hit it & Quit it" his dick thinks for itself. If you come across an Alex just turn the other way because they have no chill.
You are such an Alex I can't believe you said that!
by Pwoww June 10, 2014
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A queer creature obsessed with illogical arguments and irrelevant stuff, has total ignorance of the subject that everyone else is talking about. People usually want to tell him to fuck of but fear it would destroy his fragile mind. Also seems obsessed with zoophilia
Person1: Hey look there's a person wearing a cardboard box and poking a dead cat

Person2: Hu must be Alex
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Someone that is cooler than all the Jennys, Ashleys and Bethanys you know.
Person 1 : That guy is such an Alex!
Person 2: I know right?
by Memeodalen January 6, 2017
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A sheep, often a black sheep, who follows you everywhere and doesn't quite realize he is not welcome
Stuart: and then i grabbed the grizzly by the neck and...

Alex: baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah

jordan: shut up or i'll plug your ears with dirt and kick you in the chin
by choochoofoof March 16, 2009
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Complete pothead. No value to society whatsoever. Someone who will most certainly end up on welfare, with twelve retarded children. Drives a trashy car with a "wicked system". He has squinty eyes, and says pathetic things. Should be shot on spot.
Did you see that guy drive by? That guy was totally going on a green drive. What an Alex.
by 4thdownsyndrome February 14, 2011
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