umm ... its like fur, only worse
by skiP August 21, 2003
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Used for all those times when one has wanted to wear leggings but hasn't time to shave their legs. Instead, the culprit shaves the area which is to be exposed. Resulting in HAIRRINGS
He took off her leggings only to expose a pair of hairy legs neatly shaved around the ankles.....

'I wish I'd shaved properly and not kept my Hairrings on' she thought blushing....
by Meezie13 January 28, 2010
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1. The stuff on your head. It can come in any number of colors. Natural (Blonde, Brunette, Red, Brown, etc.) or not (Pink, Blue, Spotted, Polka-Dotted). You have to look this up?

2. A Play turned movie. The movie came out in the late '70s (79, I believe). It is mainly about a group of Hippies who meet a guy going to war in a couple of days. They see this girl on a horse and the soldier (Claude Bukowski) falls in love with her. It's a Musical taking place in New York and eventually Nevada. The songs are great (Aquarius, Sodomy, Hair, etc.), the characters are awesome (Bereger, Woof, Claude, etc.) and the dancing is cool(put together by Twyla Tharp). This is a great movie (I'm aware that's an opinion) and you should see it sometime.
1: "Oooh I love you're hair."

2: "Did you see the movie Hair?"
"Why not?"
"Why would I watch something about hair?"
"Dude, you're missing the whole point of the movie. Go watch it!!"
by DirtyLittleWar_3500 August 9, 2004
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a thing that most people only want to see on their scalp & eyebrows (eyelashes too?... idk) and possibly for men aobve the upper lip and on the chin
A- "You've got some nice hair on your head"
Z- "Oh, thanks!"
by JennyCraig666 November 8, 2011
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The thing on your head, and above your private parts. Sometimes in your butt
I have hair
by TalkingMoose April 20, 2019
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A person who is a hairy ass bitch but he is caring and will do anything to protect his friends and his loves one
Hafiz:I like about him that he protects us but at the same time bully others
Hadi:of course he is Haire
by Danny76 August 8, 2018
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A one word sentence, usually used to be stupid. Must be used very loudly and obnoxiously to annoy people that you want to leave you alone.
Hey, what are you gunna do today?


What? Hair, what are you talking about?


Why do you keep screaming hair?



by HAIR! June 17, 2008
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