by bossman94807609348765 June 4, 2009
A group of people that gather, talk, hang out, socially open minded to erratically explicit, sexual content to partake in
by DV WAM February 12, 2023
by Kilncobbler February 28, 2022
“he’s a baba smut treesha.”
by dxxcprservice February 13, 2024
Your smutted asf.
by dimples ................ February 22, 2025
A very cringy organization full of people who have spent their entire lives on writing smut. Mainly residing in the BTS catagory. Although majority of what they write is fluff, they read some kinky shit. The best part of their existence on Wattpad is that they host THE God of Smut. Some call her Jungcock for her obsession with BTS but most of her friends call her 'Daddy'. They are truly above average in their beliefs of the Jibooty... honestly they are merely fanfiction writers with no reads and are willing to do anything to get some...
by Juancock the Jungcock October 29, 2018
An individual, male or female, with a very offensive vocabulary. Spewing curse words and hate mongering language. Trailer- park trash language.
1-Hey smut mouth why don't you just go and fuck yourself you prick jerk-off!
2-You're a goddam fucking low-life bitch
with a smut mouth.
3-Stick your dick in your left ear smut mouth and drop a load.
2-You're a goddam fucking low-life bitch
with a smut mouth.
3-Stick your dick in your left ear smut mouth and drop a load.
by Alisa the Teeny Bopper April 15, 2010