A death trap that either flies or just goes up for a few minutes and then comes crashing down, killing everyone who was stupid enough to get on it.
I'm not getting on that 737 MAX because I actually value my life.
by D12434132 March 25, 2019
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An airplane that is very capable and will be one of the safest things in the sky once it returns to service. However, all the media want you to know is that it's somehow doomed to be a death trap forever, because fear-mongering and clickbait bring in those oh-so-precious clicks and money.
The Boeing 737 MAX is a good airplane, but it was definitely rushed to the market due to Boeing being greedy. Sadly it took over 300 deaths to have a safe plane :-(
by The_Anonymouse June 14, 2020
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A flying death trap. The “crashiest” plane since the DC-10
Henry: Dude! I’m flying from LA to Hawaii on Southwest

Angie: How’s that possible? Doesn’t Southwest only use 737’s?

Henry: Yeah, but this is a Boeing 737 MAX! Longer Range!!!

Angie: Uh... um... Okaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyy... have you finalized your Will yet? What flowers do you want at your funeral?
by FegelFatso March 15, 2019
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