Tiffany: When Bob rotated his x-box, it was like totally an xbox 360.
by samthemanwiththecan y'all March 23, 2008
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damn this is a cold winter, glad i got my xbox 360 to keep me warm
by bigboss839 September 15, 2008
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The first of the next generation consols. Im not sure why there is this big fight over sony lovers and xbox lovers, why not just buy both the Xbox 360 and the PS3? Who cares if you like one more than the other, doesn't mean that your gonna go to hell or anything if you use both! Grow up people, both with be twice as fun.
I actually like sony more, but who cares im still getting both. Why Not?
by swass marks the spot May 16, 2005
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A touch-activated blender used primarily to grind up $60 CDs.
Best Buy Clerk: "Would you like to buy the warranty for scratched videogames for $4.99?"
XBox 360 Owner: "Yes"

by theLordoftheDance October 29, 2008
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a next gen gaming console that actually has overcome racism.
"xbox 360: Black one is called Elite"
by Anju K March 17, 2010
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The funnest system ever, but breaks down too much.
I love the xbox 360. Im on my third one in under two years!
by Jordan Stevens May 2, 2007
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a console made by microsoft that gets 3red lights of death 1 day after warranty goes out
nemo:dude,can i come over to pay some
xbox 360?

jon: no microsoft hates me :(
by gianpiero A April 17, 2008
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