God's gift to man.
Incredibly humourous if used correctly.

Billy-"Is sarcasm really God's gift to man?"
Me-"No, I just said that for no reason. F-nugget."
by ;klajd;jka February 21, 2006
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To be filled with sarcasm
That girl is sarcasmful and hilarious.
by *~*Jess*~* February 12, 2007
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The ability to insult idiots without them realizing it
"Hey dude, are you okay?"
"Yeah, I'm perfect. Nothing could make this day any better than this giant platypus biting my side!"
"Oh, Ok then."
"I was using sarcasm you idiot!"
by FrozenLlamaPro December 30, 2015
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syntax used in emails, forums and instant messaging to indicate the start of a sarcastic tone thereby eliminating confussion for the reader. this should be used in conjunction with the {/sarcasm} operator to show the conclusion of the sarcasm.

the same style should be applied to other speech patterns when meaning can not be derived from text alone. other examples include {ball busting} or {grumble}.

NOTE: the prefered square brackets should be used whenever possible
when i see a Hummer driving down the road, i'm always sad because i know that their large, gas guzzling behemoth makes them happier and a far better person than i.
by MrErlo July 11, 2006
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Sometimes added on the end of a written statement that is meant to be sarcastic, especially online. Sarcastic text can often be misunderstood since the reader cannot find an inflection or other indications of sarcasm.

Variants include -Sarcasm-, ~Sarcasm~, =Sarcasm=, <Sarcasm>, etc.

Ladiezzman29: dude don't fuckin mess i have all these ladiez in my bed rite now jusst waitin for me to come

DevotedRationale: Of course. We all know how you're such a huge pimp. *Sarcasm*
by ShAdOwZ March 17, 2009
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Noun. A very British form of humour which derives laughs from saying something while really meaning something else. Often (though not always, contrary to popular belief) used in scathing remarks.

The word 'Sarcasm' is derived from a Greek word meaning 'tearing flesh', which is why sarcastic vegetarians are so ironic.

See also irony.
Bob: I saw 'The Others' on DVD the other day.
Dave: Oh, cool. That movie wasn't over-rated and shitty at all!
Bob: ...Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit, you know.
Dave: ...Fuck you.
by Brian the Goldfish April 9, 2005
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The brain's natural defense against the less intelligent.
Girl: "Oh my god, are you crying?"
Smarter Girl: "No, I'm just pretending to be a fountain."
Girl: "Was that sarcasm?"
Smarter Girl: "No, of course not."
by BetterThanYourMom January 12, 2014
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