
the 1337 form of the word noob, which was derived from the word noobie. Usually used with other 1337 words.
OMG you 57uPi1)/\/0013
by LAMZ0r June 10, 2005
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abbr. of the word Newbie for people who are too 1337 to use the alfabet
57/=|_| |_| /\/0013 /=/=5 !!!

(stfu u noob ffs)
by Ge64 July 8, 2005
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A noob in the video game world spelled in 1337 speak . A noob is an unexperianced/sucky gamer. |\| = N 0=o |3=B.
|\|00|3: Whats going on, whoos that guy?
1337 gamer: YOU SUCK |\|00|3!
by DosBruno August 10, 2006
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Apple with the signs below the, in mobile.
by Α January 26, 2022
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3:00 AM is the time in the morning in which a demon is most likely to possess a susceptible and vulnerable soul, which can sometimes and usually be a christian soul. It derives from the oppsite time of the day, 3:00 PM, when Jesus Christ died.
I woke up and looked at the clock. It said 3:00 AM. Then I heard footsteps.
by 2009ends July 16, 2009
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3:00 AM

3:00 AM is the witching hour, when the devil, demons, and ghosts are at it's strongest. Some say if you wake up at this hour, somebody is watching you. Another thing is, there might be footsteps, unusually loud. And theres a legend that if you do something, ex: talking to Siri, playing games, making something, could result in something unusually frightening.
Johnny: What time is it?
Bill: 3:00 AM
Johnny: Oh
(Demon kills them both)
Demon: Shit.
by ESDUBAYY 38 March 25, 2018
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3:00 AM

A time that gets some people freaked out, as it's rumored to be cursed. By deductive reasoning, those who are scared most likely have normal sleep schedules.

Meanwhile when night owls see 3am, they just shrug and go back to doing their own thing.
Normal person at 3am: *loud creaky noise* Oh shit what was that?! Oh god it's 3:00 AM...

Me, a night owl, at 3am: *loud creaky noise* Meh. *goes back to playing Valorant*
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 17, 2021
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