A figment of your imagine even though its real
Rin we just saw Carrot Man?”
I fucking hate you
by Regurk April 16, 2021
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Throwing blind punches with no technique.

Throwing windies
The silly cunt just started throwing windy carrots at everyone in sight”
by Teddyravish December 1, 2020
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A way to say you a frustrated/fed up with something
Omg, have you seen how long this line is??
Yes!! I’m going to be eating the carrot soon!
by ScaryLadyLove January 30, 2023
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A nerdy ass cat bitch who gets Id'd at the tarvern on a Friday night what a loser.
Oooh wow mouth carrot...... what a loser
by Analbeard May 19, 2018
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To tie ones penis or clitoris up with a string until it turns purplish and taking a cheese grater to it till it creates a "sauce".
Different sides of the cheese grater for different consistency, season for added flavor and serve on your favorite dish or face.
Purple carrot marinara sauce: fresh made

Johnny wanted to make his home made dish for Sarah but didn't have spice for his purple carrot marinara.
by Istabu2day April 6, 2022
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carrot rot that hobos will eat
joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot
joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot

joe: food
hoe: carrot rot
by ;-; h e l p October 15, 2020
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