Is used to refer to someone’s sexuality, someone who will hook up with the same sex but says they are straight… they are spaghetti “straight until wet”
That girl is so spaghetti
by sophdog420 March 24, 2022
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When a hot blonde guy is wearing a red shirt
“Omg Dennis is SUCH a spaghetti tonight”
I know but like .... he’s so sexy”
by DennisP99 January 28, 2019
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Guy 1: Hey me and my wife are going to do the spaghetti tonight
Guy 2: Cool me too
by You'reAIdiot January 21, 2020
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Something that Dark eats and falls asleep with it in his hands. May wind up in pants. Many weird side effects, including spontaneous self-shitting.
" Yo, that boy Dark grabbed a plate of Spaghetti and took a Shitghetti. "
by Juicywow May 11, 2020
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Something gay boi Xander eats for breakfast lunch and dinner, lil gay man xD
damn thats such a spaghetti momeny
by bigmansgsgs December 6, 2021
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