You oven someone you roast them so hard the want to hide under a rock.
A guy: Omg a girl just ovened me.
by ezzeeeeezza November 9, 2016
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The process by which two males perform various sexual acts on each other using anal beads, salad dressings, and family heirlooms, all while being filmed by an out of state woman
Did you hear Petes cousin, Michelle, is in town from Minnesota? I just bought some raspberry vinaigrette, we should totally have an oven grinder tonight.
by Ovengrinderdude March 8, 2017
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A Dutch Oven in which the usual victim actually places themselves under the covers willingly in order to better absorb the aroma of the flatulence.
I ripped heinous ass last night and my girlfriend ducked under the covers to give herself a Pennsylvania Dutch Oven.
by Steeler Country 45 September 30, 2017
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A woman who has had a child with two or more men.
Male 1: "Ashton is pregnant again but not by the same guy. "

Male 2: "wow, I guess she's a community oven."
by Imabanana1 January 9, 2016
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"A canadian oven is a guy who jacks off in kleenex, socks, toilet paper and his pants. It has been reported that he has been doing this since 7 years old."
by Kindaspooky July 2, 2022
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Using the vibration of the Dutch oven to warm your partner
Renée was cold so her partner gave her the ole Miranda’s Dutch Oven to warm her up
by Fryeman March 9, 2021
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