Basic white girl: Sksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksk
by DJFleischman October 8, 2019
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A white girl who has multiple streaks, worked at hot topic at one point in her life, and pronounces water as ‘Wood-er’ because she thinks she’s hood
Gosh, Gianna is such a basic white girl!”
by Contentcow March 1, 2018
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All girls at Grand Canyon University. They can’t live without posting half naked pictures on instagram for likes, drinking white claws, and daddy’s money. They also tend to have more guy friends than girl friends and pretend to be christian while they snort cocaine and take it up the ass by different guys over the weekends, then go to church on Sundays to be “one with the lord.”
Dude 1: Do you see those basic white girls posing at the pool?

Dude 2: Yeah man, they are probably posting on instagram for the clout.
by gabe owners December 26, 2020
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A basic white girl is found in many environments. She is a girl who follows all the popular trends due to lack of creativity.

An average basic white girl has:

- lulu lemon leggings
- nike crew socks
- white air forces
- converse high tops
- ugg boots
- an obsession with starbucks
- a collection of scrunchies from her 2019 vsco girl phase
- acrylic nails
- heavy mascara
- crop tops
- baggy t-shirts
- baggy hoodies
- sweatpants
- an addiction to snapchat
- iphone 11, 12, or 13 + airpods
- an arm covered with bracelets
- an addiction to gossiping
"Why does Sophia claim she's "different" when she's obviously a basic white girl?"
by I'm bisexual, deal with it October 8, 2022
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