Florida is shaped like a dildo with a handle.

Therfore, a florida funlick is a position when a man takes the dildo with a handle and sticks it in the asshole of a woman. the woman, through a very difficult maneuver, licks the asshole of the man. Therefore it is fun.
Dude we totally had a florida funlick last night!!

I know it was sick!!
by Joebammofo January 27, 2009
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More like
What the fuck
How many signs are there for that?
Penguinz0: Florida Citrus Center? More like: What the fuck? How many signs are there for that?
by Hurricane2005 June 1, 2023
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Some guy they call FitMC. He plays Minecraft and Pumps Iron.
"Hey you know that Bald Florida Man who plays 2b2t?"
"Yeah, you're talking about FitMC. About Yea high,plays Minecraft and he pumps iron."
by Ps4 Name: Barce4life88 March 27, 2020
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When two homeless men find a Florida canal. First homeless man gets on all fours pointing his butt at the canal, the other straddles him in the same direction and poops down the first homeless man crack. The turd flows down and hits the water. The water is then used to make Walmart cake.
“Dude, if I’m going to your birthday I’m not having that Florida Canal Cake.”

“If I have to eat Florida Canal Cake, I’m going to leave the party
by 29072201 July 9, 2018
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the suspicion of GeorgeNotFound to be in Florida without any proof.
We’re Florida truthing again.
by dreamteamsavior October 4, 2022
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Fans beliving Streamer GeorgeNotFound is in Florida finally visiting Dreamnap even though he is still in London beign a little lonely bean (with Tommy (the child) and other streamers, but he doesn't go out)
Person A: "George is in Florida, DNF is real"

Person B: "they are George in Florida truthing"
by I belive in general knowladge September 30, 2022
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Believing someone is in Florida, even if they aren't(while a significant number of people disagrees with you)
"I believe George is in Florida and DNF is real, I am Florida truthing"
by I belive in general knowladge September 30, 2022
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