When someone gets too drunk off of Jameson and has a hangover but claims their sick with some kind of flu. Clearly a lie to get out of working
Oh look, Chelsea’s using the Jameson flu excuse again
by Not shawston July 10, 2018
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When you drink way to much and get sick that night and feel like crap in the morning or through the day
I have the Brown jug flu today guys . I drank WAY to much last night
by Lizzie4136 February 25, 2018
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(Coworker Is A Dumb A$$) CIADA flu

CIADA flu (noun) – A pain that starts in your head and takes over the body slowly. Most likely caused my excessive exposure of an annoying voice from a/multiple clueless coworker(s) who are currently ill with diarrhea of the mouth.

Symptoms include: headache, pain in jaw (typically due to mouth hanging open or grinding of teeth), squinting eyes, fever (due to severe mental irritation), cramped fingers (after excessive emailing of coworkers with similar symptoms).

Treatment includes:
•Cutting phone lines so voices aren’t necessary.

• Threats of severe snow storms (so annoying coworker gets scared and leaves early)

•Whispering (so one-upping coworker cannot join in conversation and make your symptoms worse by shorting you on lunch money.)

If treatments do not work, please seek professional medical assistance immediately.
Cindy and Sue's diarrhea of the mouth has made me sick with the CIADA flu.
by LittleRedCobra February 11, 2010
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A gastrointestinal illness that comes on suddenly with strong symptoms. It quickly spreads to an outbreak of epidemic proportions, causing panic, hysteria, and a fleet of ambulance buses to come take people to hospital. May or may not be food poisoning.

As seen at Humber College on Jan. 19, 2017.
Megan: Hey, I haven't seen Ben in a couple days. What happened?

Warren: He must have the Humber Flu.
by Not sick... yet January 21, 2017
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it`s a norwegian slang for money
brur jeg er stacked med flus
by yo local pedo November 16, 2022
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Dave: I bought beers and pizza
Ben: FLU man.
by Jambake January 31, 2018
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