To escape or slip through the clutches of someone. Robbing a police officer and not getting caught is giving him the laugh.
"Lol, when we rob that police evidence room full of cash and drugs tonight, we're going to really give 'em the laugh..."
by Zed Numar August 31, 2021
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Being forced to laugh
Helgi - says joke
Helgi "Stop force laughing!!!!"
by Hampzelover2004 April 24, 2019
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If you hit the laugh react in an online argument; your opponents words lose all their meaning.
Ian "Why do idiots hit the laugh react in arguments?"

Hym "Because they think it delegitimizes your words."

Iam "Huh... This new brand is tearing up my gums my guy... Ouch!"

Hym "Don't say the name of the brand! They haven't given us money yet. Oh, hey I got a riddle for you: Everyone tells me my movie sounds like it was written by someone other than me. Who am I?"
by Hym Iam May 10, 2022
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When somebody gives a courtesy laugh at something that was not funny. Usually the person goes into hysterics and bends over, only to get back up and have a serious expression in a matter of seconds.
“-and then he said... BUG OFF!”
“Did you just do a Lindsey Laugh?”
by viixiixmmv April 6, 2019
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A type of laugh, typically from a woman, that is not genuine when used; maybe be used in response to a bosses joke or a potential partners joke, in which he/she did not genuinely find funny, but was used to show acknowledgment in hopes the boss or potential partner becomes fond of you; can be used in a disingenuous way without the other party knowing it was disingenuous; used to flirt without intention of developing a romantic connection; used for personal gain, typically in a job setting
She used her whore laugh when the boss was talking and it wasn’t even funny
by Kelso James March 16, 2021
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When you laugh so hard at something that you start pissing (leaking) yourself.
I tend to laugh and leak when I watch hilarious videos and memes.
by ClassicMello October 22, 2016
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Similar to WTF but more of a lighthearted, easy going feel. Its also used in a more humorous way, like you cant believe something that funny just happened. It can also be shortened to What the Laugh or WTL?
This morning a guy bicylced by me on a 10 foot unicycle, the only thing i could respond with was What the laugh was that?
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