The act of "lolling" and JIZZIN IN DA PANTS at the same time.
The other day Brian told me a rofl story and I lol-came. It was really messy.
by MexicrackerJoseph January 5, 2010
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When you lol k someone, you do not care about what they are saying.
#1: Guys I just got Bred 1s
#2: lol k

#1: I also am going to eat steak

#2: lol k
by Alemark January 4, 2017
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In which someone asks something so obvious it causes you to laugh with pity and then confirm their suspicions.

Other similar terms: lol yeah
A: Did you run over my cat yesterday?
B: Lol Yeah!

A: Did you kill my mother?
B: Lol Yeah!
by Happypieman January 28, 2012
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Lol Que is the half Spanish half English version of Lol Wut.

'Que' means 'what' in English.

Many people pronounce Que like the letter Q. But honestly, these people are complete retards as it is pronounced keh.
Lol Que?
by AnonRMe August 9, 2008
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Photo's of cats doing funny things or in weird (and sometimes almost human) poses. The photos usually have a funny caption under them, the caption is sometimes written in leet speak.
Guy 1: "Yo, check out this photo of some cat with a sniper rifle."
Guy 2: "Wow, thats one funny lol cats picture"
by Zach Holland December 13, 2007
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A moron who says or does something so excessively gay or stupid its not funny. Or is.
(Coined from Cyanide and Happiness)
1. "Zomfg... LOL FAG!"
2. (guy) "Oh my God! I love your outfit! Where did you get it?"
(other guy) "LOL FAG!"
3. "Please don't let him kill me! I have a wife and kids!" *kills*
by ClydeFrog May 17, 2007
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To laugh (maybe) at an odd moment that can be considered as a what the fuck moment.
Person 1: *sees two having sex and a shark eating them* Lol wtf was that about.
by Michael Habizzle April 27, 2007
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