An exceptionally stubborn individual, usually over the age of 45, that adamantly listens on to rock and roll music that is pre-1995, but then bitches and complains that rock and roll has basically died out and the music industry is nothing but rap and country and pop, yet they still refuse to listen to modern rock and roll artists "because it just isn't the same as the older stuff", so they do nothing to support the current rock industry
I used to be such a classic rock douchebag until one day I realized how much good music I was allowing myself to miss out on, now I love rock and roll music from all decades and genres
by Kramardi September 15, 2022
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When you chat sooo much shit to a random guy on Instagram and proceed to lose and so play it off like it was your cousin playing and proceed to 1v1 again but do worse than your cousin.
Wow, did you see that poor guy perform The Jam Classic
by One Pump Whillip August 6, 2020
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When you poop on someone’s chest and rub it around like you’re cleaning a table
Her chest was dirty so I gave her a simmons classic
by Anelly221 January 10, 2022
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A lie that is common knowledge, something that no one would ever believe.
Montag: Yuxie. Did Firemen use to put out fires?

Yuxie: That's a classic lie. What's wrong Montag? Have you used your drops today? Your vitals have been off recently
by KnightofNerdom March 19, 2019
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When u pay a prostitute to have sex with u and when shes not looking u steal her keys and sell her house without her knowing.
This hooker charged me way too much so i went all Classic Nava-Ho behind her back, she had it coming!
by Grandma Nippers April 8, 2011
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the act of a woman giving that good old "glock glock" "brain" "head" or a "blowjob" with huge lips the size of an apes. it oftens leads to him cumming on her nose and pouring blue paint on her.
I gave sara The Blueface Classic last night and she loved it
by thebigboyflatcock January 12, 2021
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