To have a passion of hate for someone.
hate them so much.
Passion; A strong feeling for a person or thing.
by BlatesURpimp April 30, 2009
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You hate a person who isn't good at the game.
Pro: I hate you noob

Noob: :(
by PotatoGud July 3, 2021
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To love or to like immensely. The normal “I hate you” means the exact opposite, however when added with “with a passion” at the end it’s symbolizes something more.
Significant other: *sends something funny*
Recipient: Omg I hate you with a passion😭!
by Themanman1 November 21, 2021
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when a girl says nick i hate you , she means she will come to your house and place ten dead trees in front of your door
hey nick i hate you ! you better watch out
by a girl who’s in love June 18, 2020
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Those individuals who either had given or not any reason to be hated, you hate them anyway.
People you love to hate are people such like Gwyneth Paltrow, Anne Hataway, a great deal on wealthy bankers or power politicians, etc.
by dny:) November 29, 2013
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Funny and truthful book by Scott Cohen (An Everyday guy, Not a Famous Author) is a collection of those everyday little annoyances that we face in life (738 of them!). This book will definitly make you say "That's so true!" and "I thought I was the only one who notcied that!" because it's so observational and you'll laugh so hard because of how real and truthful it is.
Selected Annoyances:

-When you forget the initial thought you were thinking of, and then stumble on to a thought far less engaging and far less interesting then the thought you were thinking of before.

-When the Photographer sais "Cheese!" and realizes that there's something he had to fix on the camera, leaving you waiting there with a frozen smile that easily fades out into a phony grin.

- Having the suspiscion that using 2-in-1 shampoo and conditioner is not as effective as if you used them both individually.

- The Vulnerability you feel while sitting on a public toilet.

- When the waitress asks "Is Everything alright here?" after you've taken a big bite out of a sandwich, causing you to grunt your response.

Just to name a few...
by Anonomously Anonomous August 17, 2005
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