A weeaboo is a person who overfantasizes about the Japanese culture to an extent of disrespect by dressing up like an anime character in or out of public daily, using random Japanese words in English sentences, having a head-strong attitude, and typically will try to learn Japanese through the anime they watch or through Google Translate. They are usually found in anime convention centers, social media, and unfortunately, anywhere that Japanese products are sold. They will always try to argue with any topic about anime, and they will start to believe they are Japanese themselves, when they are not even genetically Japanese. Keep in mind that if you like anime and cosplay, that is normal. When you take it to a weeaboo level, that is not normal.
"I know how to speak Japanese because I watch anime! Wanna see? Look! 'Ohayo Gozaimasu! Watashi wa Tsundere Chan!" -Weeaboo
by AnimeLover666 March 11, 2016
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Christian's friends are weeaboos, Jenna. They watch and jerk off to anime.
by zepotatomaster May 6, 2017
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A word to insult someone who is obsessed with Japan anime manga or video games and tries to act Japanese even if they are not you can also call them otaku meaning a person who stays home almost all day and is obsessed with something mainly anime manga or video games.
You are such a weeaboo all you guys do is stay home and watch anime get a life
by Potato Angle February 11, 2016
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Basically the Logan Paul’s of Japan :)
Tyler: Damn, you know Kyle? He’s such a weeaboo.
Jack: Yeah, bet he’d be like Logan Paul if he ever went to Japan
by Saewon Choi August 2, 2018
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Short form: weeb.

Originally a term stemming from the same branch as 'otaku' and 'wapanese', it is now most commonly used a joking term amongst anime and manga fans who do not glorify Japanese culture, but instead just enjoy the content of said anime and manga. These fans are usually pretty light hearted about the term and use it almost ironically.

It should be noted that not all weeaboos are otakus, but some are, and will get really insulted when you use the term jokingly.
"You're such a weeaboo."
"Ha, yeah, I totally am."

"I am weeb trash, anime is great."
by Artisticalogical August 10, 2015
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Weeaboo is a term used to describe individuals who prefers Japanese culture, specifically Japanese animated cartoons and claim that they themselves are Japanese people even though they aren't. The tendency of such individuals would be to impose as a known Japanese character, attempt to speak Japanese or famous lines in an animated series, and a powerful obsession over anime. This however is not to be confused with Japanophile.

People who are branded by this title are mostly hated and detested by other individuals because majority of "Weeaboos" tend to be overly dramatic with their love and influence of Japanese animated Cartoons. This doesn't mean that anime is a negative impact to their being rather majority of Weeaboos may lack a sense of their reality. It may be considered as a kind of escapist but it was only given a name by 4chan users to which the term is derived from a Perry Bible Fellowship comic.

Its a popular term specifically used by western people to discriminate individuals, turning it into a tool of conformity or perhaps a norm that paves way to an aggressive act of bullying and racism. It has received negative definitions by a huge number of social entities, specifically in the American cultural society of today.
This girl is obsessed with Japanese animated cartoons that she even became one herself, she's a weeaboo.
by World 3 August 9, 2015
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Someone who gets a huge (and some might say extreme) interest in Japan because of anime, not to be confused with a Japanophile, who is someone interested in Japan as a whole, unlike Weeaboos Japanophiles have a real serious interest in Japan, and make more than a half-hearted attempt at learning Japanese, Weeaboos may try to learn Japanese, but usually end up making huge mistakes and sounding like complete idiots
I am Japanophile, my interest in Japan extends to various parts of Japan and her culture, unlike a Weeaboo, I am not purely interested in Japan because of Anime, in fact I have never seen any animes
by Iameverywhereyetno-whereatall February 5, 2014
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