Is the combination of frank castle aka: The Punisher and Eddie Brock's symbiote "Venom". In the comic book series "What If?", the #44 issue is titled "What If Venom had possessed The Punisher?" In this comic book he destroys everything and everyone in his path.
Venom Punisher is one of the most bad ass creations/combination marvel has ever invented.
by VENOMxPUNISHER April 18, 2009
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When you are cumming after finishing intercourse you ejaculate on your hand. Then after you cum in your hand you slap your mistress she will then have one side of her face covered in cum.
Last nite I venom Slapped my girlfriend for the funn of it, for some reason she was really turned on by it.
by TheVenomSpitter July 6, 2011
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people who had their inner tetraphillia awaking and want to fuck venom and those tentacles and tongue of his
"Eddie said he wanted to fuck venom, guess hes a venom fucker"
by venomstentadick October 30, 2018
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the white stuff that comes outta yo D, son
Yo, that bitch got so much cock venom on her last night when i gave her an elegant facial
by Philliam Williamson February 24, 2014
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The yellowish colored discharge from your anus that usually occurs on a hot summer day after taking a shit. Associated with monkey butt. May be a symptom of improper wiping or chaffing or just a generally uncleanly rectum. Best described as a mixture of ass sweat and fecal debris.
"This anal venom is burnin' me up. I'd better go lay down with a fan blowing on my ass to dry it out."
by Dilldo Baggins March 22, 2007
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simply stated it's another way of saying semen.
Yesterday after your mom bent over and exposed her camel flaps, I went home and choked up a little chode venom.
by TheNoodler December 21, 2006
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A well known splinter group within Anonymous. They are a mainly Greyhat group of hackers. Rapidly growing splinter group of hackers and activist are within this part of FB and they have been known to do several operations known as Operation Bank of America and the succeeded. They had been known to shut Bank of America down for 2 weeks last year and this year hacked over millions of accounts.
"Venom Anons hacked Bank of America for 2 weeks!"
by Hoot The Pirate August 16, 2017
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