A cute sounding phrase, which is 99.99% bullshit, that is used to justify the high royalties demanded by half-baked math authors in academia, or the high fees charged by most overrated textbook math consultants or general editors (who are notorious in giving cosmetic feedback to a manuscript).
Educational publishers in Singapore reluctantly give in to trickle down mathematics, hoping to increase the odds of their approved textbooks to be adopted by more local schools, by displaying as many PhDs on their book covers.
by MathPlus November 18, 2021
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when all of your friends have girl friends and you take all of their side hoes.
Sense I'm "talking " to Maddie, you can have all of my side hoes. I call it "trickle down sexonomics."
by Shredtasty March 6, 2016
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Trickle-Down Wetbackery:

When groups considered wetbacks have groups they consider wetbacks.
The Guatemalans are the Mexicans” wetbacks, it is an example of trickle-down wetbackery.
by Warren G - Regulator March 16, 2023
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The theory or belief that one only needs to apply soap to the head or hair during a shower, as it will "trickle down", affecting the whole body during cleansing.
Foo: "Dude, how do you take such fast showers?"
Bar: "Simple economics... Trickle-down Theory.'
by averagebrine November 12, 2022
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Trickle Down Economics is a blatant strawman of supply-side economics used to demonize supporters of said system.
Those using the term assert that Republicans intend to cut taxes on the rich people, which will then, by some undefined mechanism, cause money to trickle down to the poor.
However, not one economist has ever published a theory on the mechanism behind this so called Trickle Down Theory.
This strawman mainly serves to demonize the Republicans for cutting taxes on the rich. The actual position of the Republicans, supply side economics, asserts a well known phenomenon, wherein cutting taxes on rich people will cause them to invest more money, thus opening new markets or expanding existing ones, creating jobs and generating wealth.
The origins of the term lie in a speech by Franklin Delano Roosevelt, wherein it is asserted that there are two economic theories, one according to which "If we make the rich people richer, somehow they will let a part trickle down to the rest of us.
The second theory ... is that if we make the average of mankind comfortable and secure, their prosperity will rise upwards, just as yeast rises up, through the ranks."
Roosevelt, a democrat ironically enough, mocked this idea himself, however, it has somehow become a staple in politics to claim that this nonexistant theory is somehow the economic position of the Republicans.
Trickle down economics has not worked even once.
By cutting the taxes for the rich, the money they save, so they claim, will some how trickle down to the poor.
by chrischi3 September 14, 2018
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The theory that rich people will spend their money on either useless crap, or hire people for their personal or corporate businesses - either way, other people further down the food-chain will get paid. Because as we all know, poor people can't pay other poor people. You want a job that pays actual money? The Trickle Down Theory means that the rich guy will be the one to sign the check. The Trickle Down Theory works for other non-rich folk too. They get paid, they go to the store to buy stuff - which means the money goes towards helping the economy, and helps pay the salary of other poor folk. Ok so the rich idiot diva daughters get $200,000 cars, but the guys that build and paint and ship and sell those cars get paid for it. They in turn can pay others who do other jobs and spend money at other stores and services. See how that works? That's the Trickle Down Theory.
Poor Guy: "This blows! I need a job so I can pay my rent."
Other Poor Guy: "Sorry dude, I can't afford to hire you since I'm poor too."
Some Rich Guy: "Hey, I'll give you a job and pay you some of my rich-guy money to do it! You make money, I get a job done, it's win-win!"
Poor Guy: "Yay! The Trickle Down Theory works!"
by Voice Of Reason April 15, 2013
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(n.) when a girl triple clicks her mouse, then pees a little
Sha'Dynasty let me watch while she gave herself a three click trickle
by Sha'Dynasty123 April 27, 2011
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