When someone is fixing something that isn’t broke tying to make it better and it gets worse
Maintenance is over there tinker fucking with the machines again
by Savage1708 August 4, 2022
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Somebody who seeks sexual intercourse with a smaller body built person (petite). Midget are a favorite turn on if avalible.
Marc: "Hey AJ did you see the chick Alex brought home the other night?"
AJ: "Yeah she was the smallest chick ever, I think he's a tinker fucker!"
Marc "Thats true he might as well be porking midgets!"
**Marc and AJ chuckle loudly in the back of the church...
by TattooedDestruction September 16, 2008
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noun; person, in most cases a male, who dances in tight pants and flat shoes, similar to the look of Tinker-Bell.

Tinker Balls is another synonym for Twinkle Dick

To be referred to as a "Tinker Balled Bitch" is the same to being called a closet-homo, w/hilla or a fag
"Dude, did you see TINKER BALLS last night, at first i thought he was one of the go go dancers."

"He's fine as hell, until he starts busting out this weird Irish jig meets jumpforce style of dancing, hes total TINKER BALLED bitch."

twinkle dick fucktard w/hilla mancer
by stillCANTpoop August 3, 2011
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when a man ejaculates on a person, then simultaneously takes a fist full of glitter and or sparkles, and then lightly and gracefully onto that said person.
Daren:" Bro, did you see that girl i left with last night?
Alex:"Ya man she was hot"
Daren: "I took her back to my place and tinker belled her right in the face,
That bitch was glowing"
Alex: "I bet she believes in fairies now"
by Bofina and Shanaynay March 6, 2014
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a womans Vaginal clitoris, joy spot
he licked her tinker bell till it made her shake
by Crystal64 June 1, 2006
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1) usually a blonde boy that is incredibly horny.

2) a horny blonde boy wanting sex from you.
Hey Katie, did you see Aarron today? He was lookin hot as hell. But he was a total tinker bell today. He even told me! LoL
by =BAM= February 2, 2006
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A social media group for unemployed dependas to showcase what bored judgemental bridge trolls they truly are
I saw MahKaylaleigh on Tinker Wives yesterday gossiping about Enlisted women and advertising her latest pyramid scheme while flossing intellectual about bootstraps and buttercups.
by Gottttem April 10, 2017
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