when you find any amount of money greater that 4 cents in the pockets of clothing accessories that have been worn previous days.
I was short one dollar for that hot dog... but sure enough... surprise money... i found a $10 bill in my jacket.
by buttblast3000 January 27, 2010
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Taking a kid that isn't yours; kidnapping.
'Kidnapping' is such a strong word. I prefer to say 'Surprise Adoption'.
by Bexxe September 30, 2010
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When you're having sex with your girlfriend from behind and you spit on her back so she thinks that you've already ejaculated so she turns around. Little did she know that you have secretly hidden your best friend in your closet as he's been watching and masturbating the whole time. You run towards the closet and open it and your best friend flips you for a standing 69. You both then bust in each other's faces as your girlfriend watches in confusion. You then proceed to walk away holding hands with your best friend, leaving your girlfriend behind as if nothing happened.
Yo! I Sidekick Surprised my girlfriend last night with Tron. It was epic.
by Tabaluchi March 17, 2010
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When a black dude approaches you unexpectedly
" Surprise Motherfucker" .... "oh shit dude you scared me!"
by Zoku February 12, 2013
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The act of presenting yourself in front of somebody when least expected; usually when caught in the act of performing something malicious.
When I saw Dexter Morgan opening that shipping crate looking for something, I Surprise Motherfucker'd him.
by EpicDoodlez February 19, 2017
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A surprise inspector is the name of a prank which involves 2 or more people who have been detained in separate police vehicles. In order to set the prank up, one person who knows that everything in a police vehicle is being recorded, will speak loudly of their friends attempt to hide drugs or drug paraphernalia, (even though they really didn’t) within his or her own anal cavity. The prank is completed after the cavity search has taken place.
While Derek and Bobby were being detained in separate police cars, Derek said, “Those dumb pigs will never figure out that Bobby hid that tiny bit of tar heroin up his ass! A few hours later... Bobby: “Why you smiling, Derek?” Derek: “I heard you got a visit from the surprise inspector!” Bobby: “I’m gonna F’n kill you Derek!”
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 7, 2018
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