A 69 giggle is where you laugh at pretty much anything including the numbers 69 because of the sexual connotation. This includes loading bars, ID numbers, and if your lucky enough to get locker 69.
I had a good 69 giggle when i found out my locker number
by youotherone May 13, 2010
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the small amount of urine released whilst one is laughing heartily
"did you see when captain vodka fell on his face while trying to carry three people on his back?"

"yeah that was so funny i did a giggle dribble"
by Captain Vodka aka Striker July 14, 2008
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1. The tickle in your heart that occurs when something good happens to you or someone else.
My heart giggled when I heard that Cynthia was engaged.
by beandip22 January 22, 2010
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A party where people take turns being tied up and then being tickled by the others at the party, usually for 20-30 minutes. Grew out of the popular tickle challenges on YouTube. If you volunteer to be tickled then you are allowed to tickle all the other people when they are tied up.
Were you at Ali's giggle party? OMG I never knew Nicole was SO ticklish! It was so fun to tickle torture her.
by nicole_03 November 2, 2016
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You are surrounded by people for a moment of silence when the Giggle Loop begins...

Suddenly out of nowhere this thought comes into your head: the worst thing I could possibly do during a minute's silence is laugh. And as soon as you think that you almost do laugh -- automatic reaction. But you don't, you control yourself, you're fine. Whew.
But then you think how terrible it would have been if you laughed out loud in the middle of a minutes silence. And so you nearly do again, only this time it's a bigger laugh. And then you think how awful this bigger laugh would have been. And so you nearly laugh again, only this time it's a very big laugh, it is an enormous laugh. Let this bastard out, and you get whiplash. And suddenly you are in the middle of this completely silent room and your shoulders are going like you are drilling the road. And what do you think of this situation? Oh dear Christ, you think it's funny!
Coupling - Series 1 - Episode 'Sex, Death & Nudity'
by Ross Brazier May 18, 2004
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When you laugh so hard, you shit yourself. Giggle Shits (plural): When people around you discover that you've shit yourself from laughing too hard and they, in turn, shit themselves from laughing too hard at you having shit yourself.
"Quit making me laugh or I'll giggle shit myself!"
by Ted January 14, 2004
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Verb. The act of giggling to oneself; often experienced when speaking to a girl either by IM or phone. You find yourself laughing femininely to yourself(or out loud)
Gui: "Wow, you're hot"
Maria: "Wow, you are as well"
Gui: ::bitch giggles::
by GTejeda December 10, 2006
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