Phrase popularized by the viewers of ibxtoycat.

It means to eat a lot of big macs in a short amount of time.
John: "Bro, Toycat is yes."

Bobby the bitch: "But he is a big mac gobbler!"
by R_Zombie12345 January 28, 2021
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What they call a Big Mac in France
You know what I learned from Pulp Fiction?
What's that?
I learned what they call a Big Mac in France.
What might that be?
Le Big Mac.
Wow. Le Big Mac. I'm glad you told me that. That would be some knowledgeable information to place in my noggen for future reference, especially if I visit France.
by Andi March 3, 2005
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A)When talking about a girl with large boobs they are refered to as doubble big macs to limit akwardness. It can also be used to hide what you are saying if they are within hearing distance.
B)A greasy but delitious burger sold ad Mcdonalds.
Ex.1: Damn, That girls got doubble big macs
Ex.2: Man would realy like a girl with doubble big macs
Ex.3: I'm hungry, can we go to Mcdonalds and get some doubble big macs mommy?
by Phillipthecow March 1, 2011
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1. Definition of a person or an action who/that is thought to be of homosexual orientation/origin, based on attitude, clothing, speech, etc

Usually used when walking on the street and seeing someone you think is gay and wanting to transmit the message to your friends without other people, strangers, knowing.

It started from the following: "What can't you say really fast like gaygaygay....uhm...bigmac bigmac..."
1. OMG he's SUCH a Big Mac!!!

2. A(boy): "I use both shampoo and conditioner that's made specially for blonde hair". B: "LOL....Big Mac!!!" (used as a joke case the boy is just metrosexual)
by Imladris April 27, 2007
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When you shove a cum stained Fluttershy body pillow in the face of your unknowing partner while screaming "Call me Big Mac" then hitting him/her in the back of the head with a horse dildo.
Last night I gave my wife a Big Mac Batter
by Underskor August 14, 2015
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The romantic act of shitting in a condom, freezing it, then treating your date to a delightful frozen novelty right up the shoot!
Daniel is so sexy and worldly! Last night he treated me to a Serbian Big Mac!
by Patsy Poo August 10, 2017
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When you sit down to eat something at McDonald's and immediately wish you'd gone for a Big Mac instead.
Friend: Hey dude, why aren't you eating your McNuggets? Not hungry?
You: *Sigh* I knew I shouldn't have gone for this. Now I've got serious Big Mac regret.
by scottmckenzie February 6, 2018
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