A town adjacent to Louisville, CO, but is not as awesome.sure, it has target and Cosco, but it's where all the Louisville kids go to smoke pot
teen 1: I love louisville, CO.
teen 2: Superior, CO is better
teen 1: Superior is where all the Louisville kids go to smoke pot.
teen 2: true.
by tarnishedlemon May 9, 2011
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Girl From SF: I hate socal soooo much, socal suuuuucks, fuck socal!

Me: Why?

Girl from SF: Fuck socal!

Me: You have a serious superiority complex...

Girl from SF: Fuck socal!
by 19AndrewPF92 June 28, 2011
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Sexual positions in which one person always has to be on top
David has a superiority complex and always plows bitches from on top.
by Zapdbv December 18, 2009
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A mindset of a individual who thinks they're the smartest, strongest. and wealthiest usually they're the opposite and if they aren't they usually lack in other categories of their daily lives like Hygiene
Dude#1: Hey man I've been meaning to ask you how do you get your muscles to pop I've been eating 2000 calories
Dude#2: That's probably the problem you should try 2500 calories
Dickhead: Fucking meatheads are you all this stupid muscles don't help you get any smarter than me Gym rat
Dude#1 Man you smell like you've been in a fucking gym bro you need to chill with the damn Superiority Complex
by CudiBudi420 April 3, 2019
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The most racist person since the founder of the KKK. Constantly refers to blacks as "niggers" even though from reading his text he is obviously not. He believes that The Black population of this country is inferior to the white population. He thinks the fact that they were denied equal education to white people makes them less human and thus of an inferiro intellect. Although I agree with the fact that "african-american" is one of the most over used words in this country I donot believe that gives him the right to refer to them as niggers. I would liek to meet up with him and show him what I really think of him. If my take on him is based on a misunderstanding (I doubt it) then he can send a reply to this post.
Superior Intellect: White power!!!
by A really angry black guy November 10, 2004
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When two or more races mix and have duplicate genes can also be applied to other organisms
Halfbreeds have a genetic superiority to single race people and therefore are less likely to suffer from bad genes
by Lac3d up November 28, 2015
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1 of the 7 different dragon armors that is considered as one of the best late-game armor in Hypixel Skyblock. They are worth around 55-60 million coins.
Me: yes, finally, we have 60 mil in the bank, I can finally buy Superior Dragon Armor!
My co-op member: haha moni go bye-bye
by Timothink June 27, 2020
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