the act of taking a piece of meat and pressing it against someone elses' bare skin. can carry a sexual connotation, but can also be talking about raw meat.
tom meat stamped ben's face while he was sleeping.
by TallPeniz September 29, 2010
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Getting a tattoo that somehow relates to and shows your love for vampires.
Person 1- "Nice tattoo..but why fangs?"

Person 2- "I love vampires! Haven't you read Twilight?"

Person 1- "Oh, well then that's a Vamp Stamp for sure."
by fraaaankieeee January 20, 2009
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Small wax-coated paper baggies measuring 20mm-22mm wide that resemble a tiny lunch paper bag, that single units of heroin are packaged and sold in. They originally got their name because they were used to preserve collectible stamps and coins. They are found as glassine or vellum stamp collectors bags. They retain their name also because the logo or design of the drug "brand" is stamped on them with a solvent ink that does not bleed on wax (typically Stazon). The standard stamp bag contains 0.1 gram of powder heroin. Depending on the geographic area, stamp bags are sold in "bundles" of 10, 12, 14 or 20. Other names for stamp bags are slice, blue bag, nick, star.
"Mary went down the street to cop a few stamp bags."
by Miss_M October 10, 2018
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To shit on your balls and then to tea bag someone.
Drew totally Fugg Stamped your mother last night, she had fesses all over where the tea bag dropped. or Drew gave your mom a peanut butter and nut sandwich when he Fugg Stamped her.
by pimpsicles23 December 13, 2009
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When you have dry mouth, so you shove your dick in your mailperson's mouth and then rub it on the stamp.
Shit dude, I had some insane dry mouth yesterday, so when I sent that letter I had to slip and stamp it.
by Kacheek55843 August 5, 2013
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Like a mushroom stamp, but after you have anal sex and have the poopy dick you slap your poopycock on her face.
"Im gonna pretzel stamp that ho"

"Bitch got my dick all poopy, so I pretzel stamped her face"
by screamingdeal October 31, 2014
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Her pants were so low cut, you could see her tramp stamp.
by Vegas March 23, 2003
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