28 definitions by Vegas

What you get when you have sex with people who have STD's.
I got the "Itchy Scratchies" and had to get some ointment from the doctor.
by Vegas March 24, 2003
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the number between 3 and 5
I axed my moms for fo dollas
by Vegas March 25, 2003
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Someone who lacks strength
Moby didn't stand much of a chance when he got jumped because he is "feebs".
by Vegas March 25, 2003
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Derived from Slobe, the act of being lazy or taking your time.
After my operation i was "slobin" all day.
by Vegas March 29, 2003
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I covered that hoe with my hate paste... Then i slapped her in the face with my shlong
by Vegas May 26, 2003
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A woman who takes all your money. Often your girlfriend or wife.
Bob wanted to know how i got the "Rake" to let me out of the house Friday night.
by Vegas March 24, 2003
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