Skeppy is the best pingspoofer in mc of all time and he wants to marry a muffin named badboyhalo but he is calling him baldboysandwich to get him say "oh my goodness" (his real name is zak btw and he is a big utuber he has 750000subs on yt and he is a big troll
by Im a pingspoofer May 28, 2019
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Minecraft youtuber who uploads only once in a month. Most of his subscribers are kids.
Uses phrases like: “sfu idot
Kid: “Did you watch Skeppys latest video?”
Kid2:” Yes but it was only 2 minutes long :(“
by xXH3ntaiIsLife August 30, 2018
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Skeppy "im as strait as a ruler"
Fans"*send pictures of bendy rulers*"
by Def NOT bopplez April 22, 2021
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BadBoyHalo: Look up Skeppy in the dictionary. You know what you see? You see a lazy muffinhead.
by Skylar Chaos January 26, 2021
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A minecraft youtuber with more than half of a million subscribers, its responsable for more than the 40% of the memes in the Minecraft comunity (flip flop, f, ping spoff, idot, jif vs skeppy, iTs NOt fUnNY, 14, oui, *2012 music starts playing in the background*, i mAdE iT beTtEr, annoying voice MOOOOM, IM SO DOOOONE, je vais vous pirater , thin crust, ''I got to go'', ''you owe me money'', LIKE OR DIE TMR... etc), he is constatly in a fight with jif, badboyhalo, the french owner (a6d), the other admin (Zelkam), his friend (spifey)... but sometimes he allyes with them to troll other people or grief servers. Sometimes he likes to throw jif peanut butter jars from windows or run over them with cars or sometimes get in a call in discord (Its always on ts but he clickbaits it) with new memes or friends.
He used to do short sketch videos but now he makes 10+ minute videos about pranking family members, indian people or friends (as mentioned earlier)
Zelkam-Did you watched skeppy's new video ?
Bbh-No, he's such an ''idot''

Zelkam=ping spoofs him 14?
Bbh = Oui.
by SuchSpain December 6, 2018
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a minecraft youtuber with a derpy diamond block skin. he used to have a bunch of older videos on his channel but you can't view them anymore so i'm not sure what they were about. in 2016-2017 skeppy used to make short skywars videos and trolling videos on his server: invadedlands. skeppy used to have this running joke where he abused jif peanut butter, but that joke fizzled out at his channel got older. around 2018 or so he transitioned to longer videos like the ones where he "bullies" badboyhalo or where he talks to this player a6d who had a minecraft server that skeppy joined. eventually that stuff fizzled out. he started making challenge videos where he gave away like $1000 to a player that won an event hosted by staff members and skeppy himself. these challenges used to be done on a different server but eventually that one was shut down and the event server was tranferred to invadedlands. eventually that fizzled out too and now he became just another generic minecraft youtuber.
mother: what? you want skippy? maybe ji
by dight November 10, 2022
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