to shove, and possibly cap, someone when they flinch afta you nigga jump them.
that nigga bitch who nigga shoved that nigga, was one gangsta nigga
by mutha fuckin nigga bitch February 3, 2007
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the same thing as a shove it except the board goes higher off the ground
dude, the pop shove it was just like a shove it but bigger.
by sdjhslkjfh March 19, 2006
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Humourous phrase relating to an exasperating incident. Shortly after 11 a.m. on a sultry August afternoon, Winky was riding in the back seat of the limosine as it cruised down the highway. He suggested to his driver, "It's almost noon. Find a place to stop for lunch." The driver drove on, eyeing the countryside with no rest area to be found. About 11:45, Winky said, "Okay now, find a roadside stop for lunch" and the driver continued to search as he drove on. Around 12:45, Winky now exasperatedly said, "Stop at the nearest stop. We WILL have lunch." The poor driver still didn't see a roadside stop, so when they drove through a small town, Winky excoriated his driver mercilessly saying, "I told you already to find a place to stop for lunch, damnit." The hapless driver shot back, "I've been looking and looking but honest... there hasn't been any rest areas!' At this, Winky angrily ordered the driver to pull into the little city square they were approaching. There, at theat unlikely location they all had a very late lunch. They then loaded the cooler back into the limosine and proceeded out of the little Nowheres-Ville in which they had their impromptu lunch. About a mile out of the town, they finally happened upon a roadside stop. After hours of hapless travelling without respite, the poor driver announced to Winky, "Hey, there's a roadside stop." Upon seeing the sign on the side of the road, Winky shot back, "OH SHIT AND SHOVE IT!"
Frank first had a check engine light. Then he got a brake light. Then an alternator light and an oli light. When the seat belt light went on, he got out, put a brick on the gas pedal, reached through the window and dropped the lever into "Drive". As the car squealed off the cliff, he yelled after it, "SHIT AND SHOVE IT".
by Frank Klaune April 18, 2005
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Pushing your morning boner between the mattresses.
My pee pee hard on was so tingly, I had to do a Burmese Shove
by Doctor Rocked Her September 24, 2009
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The act of making a person feel unwelcome in a multi-stall public bathroom because of his/her gender identity and/or expression by action ranging from hostile comments and questions, actual physical shoving, or unwarranted complaints to the authorities when the person has no interfered with anyone's safety, and has a good reason to use the bathroom he/she has chosen and/or avoid the one with the opposite sex designation.
This just in: Pacific Park, an amusement park in Santa Monica, CA, is being investigated for bathroom shoving. Authorities say employees forcibly and unlawfully removed a female-looking guest from the women's room, who entered merely to relieve her bladder, did not interact with the other guests, and did not disrobe in their view of give any other indications of her unusual gender history. When question, the victim insisted that if she used the men's room, she'd make the men and the boys even more uncomfortable, not to mention running the risk of being assaulted.
by LA_girl November 3, 2008
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Shoving ones tongue into another's mouth, and usually taking turns shoving with the other.
Wow, we were having so much fun when we were tongue shoving!
by That_One_Novak September 21, 2017
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A Pop Shove-it is a skateboarding trick which is broken down to 2 main movements.
1) spinning the board 180°- without the skater spinning.
2) striking the tail of the board to the ground,rail etc. To propel the board upwards.
"Hey bro, did you see Tony Hawk do that Pop Shove-it? "
"Yeah, he really nailed it."
by Formingsinger16 July 11, 2016
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