While your in the shower with another person, preferably of the opposite sex, and when the shower gets really hot and steamy you let out a nasty fart. The fart clingings to the steam and you force the other person to breathe in your fart. Some say you can even taste the fart. i e. its the dutch oven of the shower.
To piss off your girlfriend, you fart in the shower putting her in an armenian sauna
by chass0n November 2, 2006
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The way a car smells and feels after someone has smoked a considerable amount of marijuana inside of it, of course, with the windows rolled up.
Sam: Its so hot and smokey in your car man!

John: Yeah its like a Colombian Sauna.

Sam: Thats my favorite kind of sauna. ;)
by SassySam July 13, 2012
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When you fart in the shower and the stench of the fart mixes with the steam of the shower, thus creating a sauna-like effect of pure stink.
Nick ran out of the shower when an innocent fart created a Brazilian sauna.
by niiiicccccxxx January 6, 2010
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When you let out a foul-smelling fart inside a car, then turn the window locks on and turn up the heat.
I just Finnish sauna'd my boyfriend and he broke up with me.
by flygrl March 23, 2011
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A car with no air conditioning or broken air conditioning that results in profuse sweating when stuck in traffic,
driving in the city during hot summer weather. It's so hot in the car, turning on the vent blows hotter air causing you to yell,
curse and pound the steering wheel because you can't breath. You roll down the windows but its 100 outside and this does not good.
You can't afford to fix the auto air conditioning, so you sweat, and you a riding in an urban sauna.
urban sauna urban sauna car with no air conditioning in the city
by queenvavee July 17, 2013
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Gremlin sauna is the ideal choice to relax in a spa bath and shower room for the family or a spa shower
Me, you, Gremlin Sauna
by Obviouslynotcata May 10, 2021
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