The act of runt shunting dates back to the medieval era. This was commonly defined as one's fist penetrating one other's/their own anal cavity. After this act was completed, the fister traditionally licked their hand, and/or offered it to their partner.
"Hey bitch, shunt my runt or i'll shunt yours!"

"I got the best runt shunt last night, it was Fred's turn to do the licking!"

"That was some good runt shunting, shall you lick or shall I?"
by Runts August 4, 2009
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A vagina that smells like runts
Hey liz your runtbag smells fruity don't you clean down there?
by jp January 14, 2004
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A useless uneducated fool that thinks he is monkey.
Yo.. dude that bumberclut mynden is a skinny little runt
by Vimalan April 28, 2012
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The small, yet cocky, fellow at the local discotheque who falsely believes himself to be a little tasty.
You know that Dickmond ? he's a hard disco runt he is, twat
by Vauxhall Burgundy August 16, 2006
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A colossal arsehole, damp old runt used to rule America, badly, and when Americans finally got the chance to be free or damp old runt, damp old runt imploded and former a collective of arseholes who trumped they’re way through Congress and created a massive stink that innocent lives were jeopardised and one sadly lost.

This massive arsehole is being finally being stuffed with a big old batten preventing any vile gases from escaping into social media, but will it be enough?
Damp old runt a massive cunt
by Clarabella January 7, 2021
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a specifically orientated situational abuse tirade expletive, to be used solely at the task that has the better of you and perhaps with more emphasis toward the tool itself. It has nothing to do with genetically inferior sentient beings. .Momentary loud sharp cussing as you realize the work your doing doesn't want to play fair.
The hammer deflected off the desired to be hammered object causing it to purposely aim and slip towards your thumb or finger, painfully removing a chunk of skin---runt fucker, may be used after this action has occurred or similar
by MilangatangRamblinr August 27, 2017
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