maintained as factual yet bereft of truth

truthiness synonym
wikipedia is comprised of optional facts. see also kgb
by wiki*dia May 19, 2013
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(n): Option 6 is when an individual procures a sample of the zombie virus then introduces it to a population center, effectively causing the zombie apocalypse. Whenever an individual is faced with a difficult decision (such as which college they should enroll in) and is unable to choose any of their options for the situation, they may instead choose Option 6. Since the zombie apocalypse has begun, they will no longer have to make a choice.
"Harvard or Yale?...Harvard or Yale?...Eh, fuck it. Time for Option 6!"
by Zombie Survival Expert September 6, 2011
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adj. when wearing a shirt is just an option because of weather, location, etc.
Jake: Man its so hot out right now
Spencer: Yeah, I think its a Tarps Optional day today.
by DJ Suspense July 30, 2010
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Pants optional, if used at a party, actually means that pants are not allowed. All people must drop their trousers immediately (unless they have no underwear)
1: Why are you wearing pants?
2: Because my legs would get cold otherwise.
1: But it's pants optional.
2: Oh. (Drops pants)
by Aspirex November 13, 2005
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A yes or no question at the end of a sentence forcing the person to answer with strictly yes or no, but is only given the "no" as an option, however, they could answer yes. Most often, people give a protracted answer instead of just giving a yes or no. This is primarily posed in conversations in Wisconsin, however, it is also found in other states and provinces of Canada. It is thrown around willy-nilly unwittingly by the interrogator in the conversation.
Do you work for Associated Financial group OR NO?

Do you think Brett Favre is a pussy since he retired and came back like a drama queen OR NO?

(Wisconsin option)
by gipnfdl August 22, 2008
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A place where a shirt is not required, and often usually preferred off. In such an environment one often tells females of the rule, hoping but usually to no avail to see a nice pair of moon balloons.
Wow those guys at 120 Cityside sure do promote the shirts optional rule.

Tom Doran does enjoy to use the rule of shirts optional.
by GriffeyJR June 4, 2009
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When you sack somebody as a last second attempt to escape.
Dude I just got out of Mr Dnalaelc's classroom by using Option B! I gotta run!
by Mr Dnalaelc January 5, 2021
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