n. A realm of fanfiction authors and their generally very provocative, if not blatantly pornographic, (usually) slash-related stories.
"Have you been to the Master and the Wolf online fuh-q-fest?"

"No, I'm totally grossed out by Snupin slash."
by BestSkeptic January 1, 2006
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What the fuck!??? General phrase to denote total surprise, shock and/or amazement by something or someone profoundly: stupid, kooky, offensive, inconsiderate, or just plain wack - or conversely, total surprise, shock and/or amazement by something or someone profoundly awesome, admirable, hot, or kick-ass - or any combination thereof.
"what da fuh? check out the trampoline! Jackie Treehorn sure knows how to throw a party!"
by lance25 October 21, 2014
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What is that for? Why did you do that? Why is that here?
"What da fuh? Didn't I tell you I was providing drinks? Take the coffee back to your car; nobody drinks coffee at a party!"
by Judybthe1 October 6, 2014
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to ask to have sexual relations with the oppisite sex
origin- Ocean City 2007
"Hello person/persons of the oppisite sex, would you like to have sexual relations with me?"
drive by a group of people slowly and yell out the window at them "a yo baby sup tryna fuh"

also can be used as a great line to get women, whisper in her ear "a yo baby sup tryna fuh"
by farrell612 December 28, 2007
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Fuh buh is an adjective used to describe something that is really awesome or cool.
Dude that car is so fuh buh.
by Vahlesack February 22, 2018
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