Mindfucker is a crew that mixes hardcore music, and the result is very impressive

Mindfucker.tk !
dude, turn down the bass a bit! Mindfucker is fucking me up!
by blnz May 9, 2006
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Any event, musical piece, artwork, or writing that is profoundly disturbing or possibly psychotic.
Last night I went to see Tori Amos. She's a total mindfuck live!
by ignor August 25, 2003
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Stoned out of your mind. Unable to focus, hallucinating, talking to yourself, etc... Complete out of it.
"Hmm... I'm listening to blasting music while talking to two giant penguins. Yep, this sure as hell seems like one of mama's good ol' fashioned mindfucks!" -Punk-O-Matic
by wldulkfrswitdat July 6, 2006
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it's basically like mindreading. when two people say the same thing at the same time, or one says it and the other was thinking it.
A: I really want cake.
B: NO WAY, I was thinking the same thing!
by mindfuckerrrrr June 21, 2010
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Often called simply OM, Operation Mindfuck was popularlized in "The Illuminatus! Trilogy" by Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson. It involves challenging people's perspectives, and shaking them out of their reality tunnels by unexpected actions and events. These usually involve strange twists on normalcy.

Many OMs involve subtlety, so that those whose reality perspective is being challenged don't know whether something's being pulled on them or not. Thus Operation Mindfuck often involves a degree of paranoia.

Operation Mindfuck was created in the 1960s by Ho Chi Zen (aka Lord Omar Khayyam Ravenhurst or Kerry Thornley, co-founder of Discordianism) with fellow Discordians Malaclypse the Younger, The GameMaster of Florin, Dr. Mordecai Malignatus, Harold Lord Randomfactor, and others.

OMs may be performed solo, by a few people, or by a large group. Operation Mindfuck often involves random elements, using the game theory concept that "the only strategy an opponent cannot predict is a random strategy." Participants may use random elements to make decisions, such as rolling dice.

OMs are often done by unconnnected groups of small cells of people, similar to the military tactics of Mao Tse-tung. A participant may know who's in one cell, but have no idea who else is involved in other cells. This makes it extremely difficult to pinpoint and stop those involved.

In the 21st century, OMGASM, or Operation Mindfuck: Golden Apple Seed Mission, was begun by Professor Cramulus and others. In an OMGASM, people spread the word about a coming OM so it can grow everywhere like scattered seeds.

Operation Mindfuck includes: Anti-Protests, Book OM or BookGASM, Culture Jamming, Erister Egg Hunt or EggGASM, Flash Mobbing, Guerilla Communication, Honorary Membership (in non-existent groups), OM Parades (odd and unexpected parades), Postergasm, Project Pan-Pontification, stamping official documents with unofficial Rubber Stamps, Project Jake, and more.
Let's donate some books to the jail where your uncle's locked up and sneak in "Principia Discordia". Give him some ideas for his own Operation Mindfuck on the guards.
by Dildorgasm January 30, 2009
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when it's close to the new year and you keep forgetting that people refer to 'next year' as a month later
Bob: "Soo yeah I guess I'll see you next year, Ted!"
Ted: "Uh whoa, buddy. Going somewhere?..."
Bob: "Naw man, I mean in a month!"
Ted: "Aw man, I just got December mindfucked!"
by mindfucked1000 December 20, 2010
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1. When you stumble upon the page of a person you haven't seen in years and find they've changed in shocking ways you would never expect

2. When you discover that people you know know other people you know without you knowing. Sometimes better than you'd like them to.

3. Generally when you see something surprising or unexpected about or involving people you even vaguely know, and it goes beyond the level of surprise to a state where your reality is totally rocked.
"Remember that really dorky girl everyone made fun of in school? Shes a rich supermodel now."

"Oh god, my current girlfriend and ex girlfriend are friends on facebook. They have loads of pictures together too, I think they're pretty close. She never told me they knew each other!"

"What a facebook mindfuck!"
by acitsAstica October 8, 2009
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