The most beautiful, kind person known to man.
Known to try to help anyone with anything, selfless and always tries his best at all he can.

Always pushed through issues and is known to be able to solve any problem faced.

Strong willed power :)
Girl 1: wOah thats..the prettiest boy ever..
Girl 2: thats Matas y'know, god his eyes are so beautiful

Guy: I don't think I'm straight actually-
by Yoursonlookslikeagirl May 26, 2022
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Human you should be scared of. he is so sussy imposter, because AMOngUS is my favourite game

Matas is big and strong B

Matas is an lithuanian name

-by Arnas P.
About Matas
by Arnelio zodynelis February 1, 2022
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A man who like to ride other dudes and likes to fantasize about under aged girls and boys
Ex: Joseph Mata is starring at my 5 year old sister while drooling
by Mr Mx hammer July 5, 2020
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Bodily bruises, scars, and pain - the exact origin of which is unknown - most likely caused by strength training.
Person 1: Wtf are these ankle bruises from; am I being shackled without my knowledge??
Person 2: They're probably lift-mata. You were at the gym this week, weren't you?
by satanic_t0ast August 14, 2021
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When one is taking a shit and it's so big you have to flush to avoid a this point the suction of the toilet pulls the rest of the monster out your ass so fast that you question your existence.
Jeremy experienced the auto mata and instantly sought Jesus.
by Rancorrage June 9, 2022
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Mata Amiyama : Defined as a cool dude who likes posting memes on discord all the time. Often confused for being a girl.
Not to be confused with mata : the act of giving head or Ren Amamiya
"hey look its Mata Amiyama
by some_retard_from_discord January 4, 2021
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Papiamento/u (language from the abc-islands) word for “kill yourself” in english. Mostly used as a come back to an insult.
you- that’s why nobody likes u
me- mata bo mes
by kay_l May 6, 2022
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