the term used to describe a malfunction of the body. most BMM's are realized when an unexpected noise is heard, or an unanticipated surprise is spotted by the BMM-er or by a non affiliated personal.
erica: oh hey
michael: oh no i wassn't expecting that!
erica: you must be experiencing a bowle movement malfunction.
by erieee November 13, 2009
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The wigger's lame excuse for ripping off janet's top.
Damn, no one wants to see them nurples... what the hell you doin' JT
by 2beer February 12, 2004
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When a prep girl forgets to put on make-up. With it, they appear to be gorgeous. Without it, it’s a completely different story.
Prep girl: Hi, Mike
*Mike see’s normally hot prep girl who forgot make-up*
Prep girl: *blushes with shame because of make-up malfunction*
Other prep girl: You ugly whore
Mike: She’s right, I’m going to the prom with HER now…haha, bitch
*They beat the shit out of prep girl for violating the natural laws of ugliness and proceed to have sex on the gymnasium floor*
by Steagles June 7, 2006
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1. A term, recently used akin to stereotypes of "Boy Band" icons such as Justin Timberlake, to describe the falure to "Come out of the Closet" due to having your penis caught in the hamper.
2. The event which causes "slack time" between the time A Wardrobe crashed, the formatting of the wardrobe, and the re-installation of windows for wardrobes. Evident by the Wardrobe producing articles of clothing with one missing breast-support.
Boy band Icon Justin Timberlake was one again victim of a Wardrobe Malfunction.
by Wildfire/Psylink March 13, 2004
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when justin timberlake tries to make himself seem innocent when he rips a piece of clothing off of a suprised singer.
Just stated the wardrobe malfunction was totally innocent...especially when he was the one who pulled it....
by kiss that May 31, 2004
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term used to describe a baring of flesh that was planned to appear accidental but was not as well received by the public as expected
Justin snatches away Janet's top but instead of rave reviews he gets official boos
by Translator August 6, 2004
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If I had a penny for every censor that was caught with their pants down, I could buy Jentet Jackson a shirt that Justin Timberlake can't rip.
by army_azn February 11, 2005
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