A term often used to reply to an internet troll, who is quite obviously trying to bait the other side. Another variation consists of "gr8 b8 m8, I r8 8/8".
-In a random fandom-

Guy 1: "Who's your favourite character? I like *Insert popular character* because the dude's really cool."

Obvious troll: "No way, *Insert most hated-by-the-fandom character here* is the best character. All of you are ignorant pricks."

Guy 2: "gr8 b8 m8"
by Glass Pingas October 6, 2014
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U Wot M8 is just text slang for ' You what mate?' - a confrontational phrase used mainly in Northern England. Normally in response to another confrontational phrase - see example below. It does make sense though is abbreviated, it is a shortened of "YOU are going to do WHAT, MATE?" Mate being the obvious indicator that there is trouble afoot. This abbreviation is probably the cause of much confusion to the American audience since they have similar difficulty with 'half two' meaning half past two (not one or one thirty like some of the common guesses).
"I am going to twat you."
"U Wot M8?"

"I did your Mum last night!"
"You what mate?"
by gingerbread_mun October 20, 2013
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This is Internet for: You what, mate? This is universally used by internet speakers, regardless of weather or not they live in a society where the term "mate" is commonly used.
Guy 1: I fucked your mom last night.

Guy 2: u w0t m8
by Ur mom lel February 5, 2014
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A statement used when about to 360 noscope someone(or anything else eg body checking them in the snow), or when after 420 smoke weed everyday MLG blaze it oh baby a triple quickscoping someone. One of illuminate's favourite expressions.
While skating with head down and DEMON speed, Billy tried to toe drag but instead the defenceman layed him out and said, "get rekt m8"
by Gobillygobarfinahole February 21, 2015
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Used to express excitement when roasting someone.
Mom: Wanna hear a joke?
Son: But you never make jokes...
Mom: Then how come your on the planet?
Son: Oh dang...
Mom: G3T R3KT M8
by MelonMan102 March 2, 2016
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''U Wot M8'' or ''You Wot Mate'' is usually used when a person doesnt hear what the other person is saying, it also can be used in arguments or before a fight which is spoke in a quick aggressive manner, the term ''You Wot Mate'' has been around since the early 90's and the term has recently confused Americans as expected.
Your mums a slag....
U Wot M8? you wanna a fucking slap?

No, i was just joking mate, sorry.
by kingbt3rd October 16, 2013
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Mostly used after getting good kill or shot, in mostly FPS (1st person shooter)
Rekt is a misspelled version of the word "Wrecked". M8 is meant to be M + Eight = Mate. So it's get wrecked mate
*360 degrees headshot with a sniper rifle without even aiming in some random Call of Duty game (also 360 noscope)*
Me: Ha get rekt m8
Victim: bwahahahaa, im such a noob.
by Chtulle May 4, 2015
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