When you are not quite sober and not quite drunk. Your game is at its best at this point.
I had two beers last night and was really loose.
by Max January 10, 2005
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You are going to lose it in such a way that your bowels loosen, and you end up pooping.
by DSTHEHERO March 11, 2010
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Opposite word of Virgin created from Countrywide cubicles. Another term for something being whack, dumb or unattractive. Similar terminology, weaksauce,retarded,and not hip
Joe was at the club macking on all the girls. Joe thought he was virgin, but really he was LOOSE.
by SS_BOMB January 30, 2009
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When a situation is incredibly loose.
let the other person know u don't want n e thing 2 do with the situation it's a loose loose situation
by diemer October 1, 2010
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A term to describe Excalibur's ring or anus

Can also be used to define his skin hanging from his elderly face.
"Whoa! What's that loose pile of skin!?"

"Don't worry, just Excalibur's loose face."
by Hexon August 28, 2005
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A good night wish for sleeping well.
Opposite of, but synonymous to, "sleep tight" for people who sweat and cringe at that suggestion.
For the non-bed burritos.
"Sleep loose, Mama."

"Sleep loose, John Boy."
Did you sleep loose? Yep! Woke up draped over the headboard purring with the cat.
by msdee November 22, 2016
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