The epitomy of being sick, dope, or tight.
Bruce Lee is the junk.
by Jordan Batson August 12, 2006
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A type of dance, characterised by jerky hip swaying, arms up, sometimes with both hands clasped together, moving to and fro in time with the music. Popular in the early hours of the morning, at parties.
Man, lets go Junk. Or, whey I was junking pro last night.
by Gorenroll June 27, 2006
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Vicodin, Percoset, Oxycontin crushed up and snorted up the nose.
"Hey, you got any junk?" "You know what we need? SOME JUNK" "That guitarist was so fucked up on junk last night it looked like his prostate was about the size of a grapefruit"
by Michael T. Grace April 30, 2005
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Hawaiian slang used to decribe something as lame or disappointing
hoo, you went to da kines party last night?? i heard was junk!”

“...ehhh this laulau so junk, my aunteh make em bettah
by top bangah November 28, 2018
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When Urban Dictionary editors reject your definition despite there being thousands of way worse definitions on Urban Dictionary.
Hey man, I went to put some awesome definitions on Urban dictionary and I got junked.
by Durr??? July 29, 2014
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someone or something awesome. Very rare in todays junk world.
Wow! Did you see that girls boobs? Not Junk.
by Jimmy Awesome April 4, 2006
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your man parts, frank and beans, stick and two balls
Frank cried when he got punched in the junks
by Blake a.k.a Wolverine March 16, 2005
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