An Unstoppable man who kills anyone in his way he is awesome
by mandy man December 2, 2006
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A complete badass, and bromacho.

Referencing a bromachopotamous, hes one chill ass fucker.

May not get madd pus, but he kick back with the nattys.
P1: Hey you're badass.
P2: Yeah, hes a Joseph
by Marywether Lewis March 22, 2011
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He is a beautiful, terrible being. A destroyer of worlds. The conquerer of Earth. He is all that is man. Beautiful women flock to him. He will rule the world with his iron fist and see that only the strong prosper.
Joseph makes Superman look like a wimp and he made Chuck Norris quiver with fear.
by Coimiceoir February 3, 2009
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Joseph is a very charming man even in his 60's and can make people fall for him even when he's in his 60's. He can predict what your next line will be and also predict your next move. He loves to breathe and use rope magic. But however, if you are his friend and your name is Caesar, you will get crushes under a rock. He never forgets anything like taking revenge on wife for not sending a telegraph by cheating on her bout 40 years later. He can also make Nazi friends. But if you are his enemies, you are already dead. He is also a very good girl cos player and you can never tell apart if he's a girl or a boy. And he also is a very good cheater but not when it comes to relationships.
Joseph just blew me away from the planet with his wits.
by KakorotJoJoAckerman October 17, 2019
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a character in the bible who interprets dreams and becomes a leader and prophet for the Israelites
Joseph was thrown in a pit by his brothers and sold as a slave to Egypt
by notnamedjoseph June 14, 2009
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A sexy Italian man. They are always short and talk strictly with their hands. Usually steal things from people, such as mints and pasta. Can be traced back to 1930-1940s Germany and Italy. Usually has a flow of hair in the front and wears a hoodie 24-7. Usually shouts randomly when he has something to say.
Sexy Beast: "Yo! Have you seen Joseph anywhere?"
Beast: "I think I heard him in the mint jar."
Sexy Beast: "I'll go look. I could recognize his hand language anywhere."
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