The Action in which a virgin's hymen is busted, The word "Hymen Busting" is also the name for the popular sport of tracking down young virgins and taking there virginity.
Woah you should of come hymen busting last night, i wrecked that bitch.
by Matt :) August 12, 2008
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He hasn't had a root in over 5 years, i reckon he's been Re-Hymenated
by G_70 August 27, 2010
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When you find out that your girlfriend is a virgin, and you thought she wasn't.
Holy hymen! What's that?
by Kmdl January 5, 2018
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The final symbolic vestige of integrity and dignity that people have before they allow their "backyard" to become a playground for others' body parts, various tools, and terrified rodents. It's the anal maidenhead.
Muriel: Gee Whiz, Cindy! Sit down! You're acting like you have ants in your pants!
Cindy: Oh, Muriel! I let Salvatore do things to me last night and I can't sit down. It's horrible!
Muriel: So he finally took your heine hymen! He'll never respect you again and probably told all the fellas by now. At least that's what he did to me...
by von groovy June 7, 2017
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When you don't know the chick you're fucking is a virgin, and you break her hymen, causing her to bleed everywhere and then use her blood as lube.
by IGrapeBabies June 7, 2011
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A mythical anatomical structure which is removed when one gets one's brown wings.
JOHNNY FAGGOT: He ruptured my botty hymen. Oooh!
by Ian Chode April 3, 2003
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A man (or lesbian/bisexual female) who strives on having sex with only girls who are still virgins and have their hymens intact.
After having sex with only virgins for most of the year, it became established among Dave's friends that he was a Hymen Hound.
by MikeHunt45 October 23, 2009
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