When you are so hungry that you want to bitch slap everyone in sight
Man, today I skipped breakfast, then jordy pussy slapped
Me and
I was just so god damn hangry
by Ermerm February 2, 2017
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When you are so hungry, that’s you are angry.
Joe is very hangry after not eating since 6:00am.
by Mrcdogs20 June 28, 2021
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A cross between hungry and angry resulting in outbursts of rage and/or mood swings.
Vikktoria: I want to thunder punch them in the throat.

Bianca: why is that?
Vikktoeia: I think I'm getting hangry. Let's grab a bite.
by PineappleJuice March 28, 2015
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When someone is so hungry, they are in a total blind, angry rage about the fact.
Watch out! That bitch ain't just hungry, she's hangry!!
by Braindrop April 22, 2010
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a hangry hippo refers to a person (male or female) of large bone structure (medical term - obese) transferring their anger onto those around them because they are hangry. hangry. Can also be referred to as a 'hangry hangry hippo' when more than 1 meal/snack has been missed
Person #1: What's up with her she's being so nasty to everyone for no reason
Person #2: She hasn't had her lunch break yet & now she's acting like a hangry hippo
by Jailypo April 13, 2011
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A state of anger, frustration, or sadness caused by
a lack of sex; sexual hunger
causing a negative change
in emotional state.
Damn! I'm sexually hangry!
by TYLOPRO December 7, 2021
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When you're hangry but it's clearly related to the crappy weather outside
by Sexydimma October 21, 2022
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